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吴乔教授 博导
出处: 发布时间:2016-08-14 浏览次数:6712

 吴乔教授博士生导师吴乔WU Qiao, Ph.D.












1990, M.Sc., Xiamen University;

1996, Ph.D., Xiamen University.

2001-present: Professor, Xiamen University.


研究领域 (Research Area)

1.     核受体在诱导细胞生长、细胞凋亡和细胞自噬中的功能

2.     核受体与相关蛋白相互作用、蛋白修饰及其分子调控网络

3.     核受体在肿瘤、糖尿病、肥胖和炎症等疾病中的作用机制

4.     以核受体为靶点的抗肿瘤药物和代谢性疾病药物研究


1.     Nuclear receptors and their roles in cell proliferation, apoptosis and autophagy

2.     Nuclear receptor associated interactions, protein modifications, and regulatory pathways

3.     Molecular basis of nuclear receptor function in tumor, diabetes, obesity and inflammation

4.     Nuclear receptors as the target for the design and development of therapeutics to treat cancerous and metabolic diseases.


代表性论文(Selected publications)

1.   Bian XL, Chen HZ, Yang PB, Li YP, Zhang FN, Zhang JY, Wang WJ, Zhao WX, Zhang S, Chen QT, Zheng Y, Sun XY, Wang XM, Chien KY, Wu Q*, Nur77 suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma via switching glucose metabolism toward gluconeogenesis through attenuating phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase sumoylation. Nature Communications, 2017. 8: 14420.

2.   Wang WJ, Wang Y, Hou PP, Li FW, Zhou B, Chen HZ, Bian XL, Cai QX, Xing YZ, He JP, Zhang H, Huang PQ, Lin T*, Wu Q*, Induction of Autophagic Death in Cancer Cells by Agonizing TR3 and Attenuating Akt2 Activity. Chemistry & Biology, 2015. 22(8): 1040-51.

3.   Li L, Liu Y, Chen HZ, Li FW, Wu JF, Zhang HK, He JP, Xing YZ, Chen Y, Wang WJ, Tian XY, Li AZ, Zhang Q, Huang PQ, Han J, Lin T*, Wu Q*, Impeding the interaction between Nur77 and p38 reduces LPS-induced inflammation.Nature Chemical Biology, 2015. 11(5): 339-46.

4.   Chen Y, Wu R, Chen HZ, Xiao Q, Wang WJ, He JP, Li XX, Yu XW, Li L, Wang P, Wan XC, Tian XH, Li SJ, Yu X, Wu Q*, Enhancement of hypothalamic STAT3 acetylation by nuclear receptor Nur77 dictates leptin sensitivity. Diabetes, 2015.Diabetes, 2015. 64(6): 2069-81.

5.   Wang WJ, Wang Y, Chen HZ, Xing YZ, Li FW, Zhang Q, Zhou B, Zhang HK, Zhang J, Bian XL, Li L, Liu Y, Zhao BX, Chen Y, Wu R, Li AZ, Yao LM, Chen P, Zhang Y, Tian XY, Beermann F, Wu M, Han J, Huang PQ, Lin T*, Wu Q*, Orphan nuclear receptor TR3 acts in autophagic cell death via mitochondrial signaling pathway. Nature Chemical Biology, 2014. 10(2): 133-40.

6.   Wang RH, He JP, Su ML, Luo J, Xu M, Du XD, Chen HZ, Wang WJ, Wang Y, Zhang N, Zhao BX, Zhao WX, Shang ZG, Han JH, Chang S, Wu Q*. The orphan receptor TR3 participates in angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy by controlling mTOR signalling. EMBO Mol Med. 2013, 5:137-148.

7.    Zhan YY, Chen Y, Zhang Q, Zhuang JJ, Tian M, Chen HZ, Zhang LR, Zhang HK, He JP, Wang WJ, Wu R, Wang Y, Shi CF, Kai Y, Li AZ, Xing YZ, Li YT, Yang JY, Zheng ZH, Yu CD, Lin SC, Chang C, Huang PQ, Lin T*, Wu Q*. The orphan nuclear receptor Nur77 regulates LKB1 localization and activates AMPK.Nat Chem Biol. 2012;8(11):897-904.

8.   Yao LM, He JP, Chen HZ, Wang Y, Wang WJ, Wu R, Yu CD, Wu Q*. Orphan receptor TR3 participates in cisplatin-induced apoptosis via Chk2 phosphorylation to repress intestinal tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis. 2012; 33(2): 301-11.

9.     Chen HZ, Liu QF, Li L, Wang WJ, Yao LM, Yang M, Liu B, Chen W, Zhan YY, Zhang MQ, Cai JC, Zheng ZH, Lin SC, Li BA*, Wu Q*. The orphan receptor TR3 suppresses intestinal tumorigenesis in mice by downregulating Wnt signalling. Gut. 2012; 61(5): 714-24.

10.  Chen HZ, Li L, Wang WJ, Du XD, Wen Q, He JP, Zhao BX, Li GD, Zhou W, Xia Y, Yang QY, Hew CL, Liou YC, Wu Q*. Prolyl isomerase Pin1 stabilizes and activates orphan nuclear receptor TR3 to promote mitogenesis. Oncogene. 2012; 31(23): 2876-87.

11.   Liu JJ, Zeng HN, Zhang LR, Zhan YY, Chen Y, Wang Y, Wang J, Xiang SH, Liu WJ, Wang WJ, Chen HZ, Shen YM, Su WJ, Huang PQ, Zhang HK*, Wu Q*. A unique pharmacophore for activation of the nuclear orphan receptor Nur77 in vivo and in vitro. Cancer Research. 2010; 70(9): 3628-37.

12.  Lei NZ, Zhang XY, Chen HZ, Wang Y, Zhan YY, Zheng ZH, Shen YM, Wu Q*. A feedback regulatory loop between methyltransferase PRMT1 and orphan receptor TR3. Nucleic Acids Research. 2009; 37(3): 832-48.

13.  Zhan Y, Du X, Chen H, Liu J, Zhao B, Huang D, Li G, Xu Q, Zhang M, Weimer BC, Chen D, Cheng Z, Zhang L, Li Q, Li S, Zheng Z, Song S, Huang Y, Ye Z, Su W, Lin SC*, Shen Y*, Wu Q*. Cytosporone B is an agonist for nuclear orphan receptor Nur77. Nature Chemical Biology. 2008; 4(9): 548-56.

14. Li GD, Fang JX, Chen HZ, Luo J, Zheng ZH, Shen YM, Wu Q*. Negative regulation of transcription coactivator p300 by orphan receptor TR3. Nucleic Acids Research. 2007; 35(21): 7348-59.

15.  Zhao BX, Chen HZ, Lei NZ, Li GD, Zhao WX, Zhan YY, Liu B, Lin SC, Wu Q*. p53 mediates the negative regulation of MDM2 by orphan receptor TR3. EMBO Journal. 2006; 25(24): 5703-15.


获奖项目(Honors and awards)








