State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology,Xiamen University
Jiahuai Han: Repression of microRNA Function Mediates Inflammation-associated Colon Tumorigenesis
Source: Pubdate:2016-12-07 Hits:28



Little is known about the mechanisms by which chronic inflammation contributes to carcinogenesis, such as the development of colon tumors in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Specific microRNA (miRNAs) can function as suppressors or oncogenes, and widespread alterations in miRNA expression have been associated with tumorigenesis. We studied whether alterations in miRNA function contribute to inflammation-associated colon carcinogenesis.


We found inflammatory cytokines to reduce the activities of miRNAs. In mice with colitis, activities of miRNAs are reduced; administration of an agent that increases miRNA function prevents colon tumor formation in these mice. This pathway might be targeted to prevent colon carcinogenesis in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.
