State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology,Xiamen University
Li XT & Li QX: C-terminus of MUC16 activates Wnt signaling pathway through its interaction with β-catenin to promote tumorigenesis and metastasis
Source: Pubdate:2016-06-03 Hits:28

Abstract:MUC16/CA125 has been identified as a prominent cancer biomarker, especially for epithelial ovarian cancers, in clinical test for over three decades. Due to its huge mass, limited knowledge of MUC16 was acquired previously. By utilizing a well characterized self-made MUC16 monoclonal antibody, we identified the endogenous interaction between a C-terminal fragment of MUC16 (MUC16C) and β-catenin for the first time, and further elucidated that trans-activation domain of β-catenin is required for this interaction. Such interaction could activate the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway by facilitating cytosol-nucleus transportation of β-catenin, consequently induce cell proliferation and the migration, eventually lead to tumorigenesis and metastasis in nude mice. Consistently, knockdown of MUC16 significantly weakened the capabilities of cells for proliferation and migration. Based on our discovery, we suggest that MUC16 appears as an attractive target for the development of effective anticancer drugs.
