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王鑫教授 博导
出处:细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室 发布时间:2016-08-20 浏览次数:1393






邮    箱:wangx@xmu.edu.cn




1. Sorting nexin蛋白家族在神经系统疾病中的作用

2. 唐氏综合症中认知障碍的分子机理和药物筛选

1) 唐氏综合症相关基因的功能研究

2) 代谢障碍与唐氏患者认知功能的关系

3) 唐氏综合症潜在药物靶点的研究和小分子药物的筛选


2009~2013 美国Sanford-Burnham医学研究所Biomedical Sciences专业  博士;

2005~2008 上海交通大学药学院药理学专业  硕士研究生;

2001~2005 重庆医科大学药学院药学专业    理学学士。


2015~至今 厦门大学医学院  教授;

2014~2015 美国Sanford-Burnham医学研究所  博士后;

2013~2014 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)神经科学系和霍华德休斯医学研究所(HHMI)  博士后;

2013~2013 美国Sanford-Burnham医学研究所  博士后;

2008~2009 美国Sanford-Burnham医学研究所  访问学者。


  1. Wang X*, Zhou Y, Wang J, Tseng IC, Huang T, Zhao Y, Zheng Q, Gao Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Bu G, Hong W, Xu H*. SNX27 Deletion Causes Hydrocephalus by Impairing Ependymal Cell Differentiation and Ciliogenesis. J Neurosci. 2016;36(50):12586-12597. (co-corresponding author)

  2. Aquizu N, Cantagrel V, Zaki M, Al-Gazali L, Wang X, et al. Biallelic mutations in SNX14 lead to a syndromic form of cerebellar atrophy and lysosome-autophagosome dysfunction. Nat Genet. 2015 2015;47(5):528-34.

  3. Wang X, Huang T, Zhao Y, Thompson RC, Bu G, Zhang YW, Hong W, Xu H*. Sorting nexin 27 regulates Aβ production through modulating γ-secretase activity. Cell Rep. 2014;9(3):1023-33.

  4. Wang X, Huang T, Bu G, Xu H*. Dysregulation of protein trafficking in neurodegeneration. Mol Neurodegener. 2014;9(1):31.

  5. Wang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Badie H, Zhou Y, Mu Y, Loo LS, Cai L, Thompson RC, Yang B, Chen Y, Johnson PF, Wu C, Bu G, Mobley WC, Zhang D, Gage FH, Ranscht B, Zhang YW, Lipton SA, Hong W, Xu H*. Loss of sorting nexin 27 contributes to excitatory synaptic dysfunction via modulation of glutamate receptor recycling in Down's syndrome. Nat Med. 2013;19(4):473-80. (Cover story)


  1. 国家自然科学基金优青项目,认知障碍疾病的分子机理,2019-2021,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,人科动物特异基因USP6参与智力进化的分子机制研究,2019-2022,主持。

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,SNX27在室管膜细胞分化中的功能和脑积水发生发展过程中的作用,2016-2019,主持。

  4. 福建省科技厅“杰出青年”基金项目,2017-2020,主持。

  5. 厦门大学医学院新进PI启动基金,2015年至2019年,主持。

  6. 厦门大学校长基金(中央高校基本科研业务费),2015-2017年,主持。


1.美国老年痴呆症协会青年学者奖 (Young Scholar Award of Alzheimer's Association),2010年;


3. 厦门市青年五四奖章,2018年。


  1. Zhang H, Huang T, Hong Y, Yang W, Zhang X, Luo H, Xu H, Wang X*. The Retromer Complex and Sorting Nexins in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Front Aging Neurosci. 2018;10:79. PMID: 29632483

  2. Zheng H, Jia L, Liu CC, Rong Z, Zhong L, Yang L, Chen XF, Fryer JD, Wang X, Zhang YW, Xu H, Bu G*. TREM2 Promotes Microglial Survival by Activating Wnt/β-catenin Pathway. J Neurosci. 2017;37(7):1772-1784.   PMID: 28077724

  3. Zheng Q, Huang T, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Luo H, Xu H, Wang X*. Dysregulation of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Front Aging Neurosci. 2016;8:303.   PMID: 28018215

  4. Wang X*, Zhou Y, Wang J, Tseng IC, Huang T, Zhao Y, Zheng Q, Gao Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Bu G, Hong W, Xu H*. SNX27 Deletion Causes Hydrocephalus by Impairing Ependymal Cell Differentiation and Ciliogenesis. J Neurosci. 2016;36(50):12586-12597. (co-corresponding author)   PMID: 27974614

  5. Huang TY, Zhao Y, Li X, Wang X, Tseng IC, Thompson R, Tu S, Willnow TE, Zhang YW, Xu H*. SNX27 and SORLA Interact to Reduce Amyloidogenic Subcellular Distribution and Processing of Amyloid Precursor Protein. J Neurosci. 2016;36(30):7996-8011.   PMID: 27466343

  6. Zhang X, Hu J, Zhong L, Wang N, Yang L, Liu CC, Li H, Wang X, Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Xu H, Bu G*, Zhuang J*. Quercetin stabilizes apolipoprotein E and reduces brain Aβ levels in amyloid model mice. Neuropharmacology. 2016;108:179-192.   PMID: 27114256

  7. Zhao Y, Tseng IC, Heyser CJ, Rockenstein E, Mante M, Adame A, Zheng Q, Huang T, Wang X, Arslan PE, Chakrabarty P, Wu C, Bu G, Mobley WC, Zhang YW, St George-Hyslop P, Masliah E, Fraser P, Xu H*. Appoptosin-Mediated Caspase Cleavage of Tau Contributes to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Pathogenesis. Neuron. 2015;87(5):963-75.   PMID: 26335643

  8. Aquizu N, Cantagrel V, Zaki M, Al-Gazali L, Wang X, et al. Biallelic mutations in SNX14 lead to a syndromic form of cerebellar atrophy and lysosome-autophagosome dysfunction. Nat Genet. 2015 2015;47(5):528-34.   PMID: 25848753

  9. Wang X, Huang T, Zhao Y, Thompson RC, Bu G, Zhang YW, Hong W, Xu H*. Sorting nexin 27 regulates Aβ production through modulating γ-secretase activity. Cell Rep. 2014;9(3):1023-33.   PMID: 25437557

  10. Wang X, Huang T, Bu G, Xu H*. Dysregulation of protein trafficking in neurodegeneration. Mol Neurodegener. 2014;9(1):31.   PMID: 25152012

  11. Wang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Badie H, Zhou Y, Mu Y, Loo LS, Cai L, Thompson RC, Yang B, Chen Y, Johnson PF, Wu C, Bu G, Mobley WC, Zhang D, Gage FH, Ranscht B, Zhang YW, Lipton SA, Hong W, Xu H*. Loss of sorting nexin 27 contributes to excitatory synaptic dysfunction via modulation of glutamate receptor recycling in Down's syndrome. Nat Med. 2013;19(4):473-80. (Cover story)   PMID: 23524343

  12. Zhao Y, Wang Y, Yang J, Wang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Zhang YW*. Sorting nexin 12 interacts with BACE1 and regulates BACE1-mediated APP processing. Mol Neurodegener. 2012; 7(30).   PMID: 22709416

  13. Liu Y, Zhang YW, Wang X, Zhang H, You X, Liao FF, Xu H*. Intracellular trafficking of Presenilin 1 is regulated by β-amyloid precursor protein and phospholipase D1. J Biol Chem. 2009; 284(18):12145-52.   PMID: 19276086

  14. Nie H, Li Z, Lukas RJ, Shen Y, Song L, Wang X, Yin M*. Construction of SH-EP1-alpha4beta2-hAPP695 cell line and effects of nicotinic agonists on beta-amyloid in the cells. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2008;28(1):103-12.   PMID: 17912626